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Websites That Work!

Our Not So Secret Formula For Creating Awesome Websites

Our websites reflect our knowledge and in-depth understanding of the project

Statistics show that website visitors spend an average of seven seconds or less on MOST of the websites they visit and it only takes 50 milliseconds (that's 0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion. This means you only have a few critical moments to convey who you are, what you do, your target audience, and why you should be hired. Successful websites possesss common traits. We'll discuss each one in more detail below:

  • Purpose & Intent
  • Call To Action CTA's)
  • Track Your Conversions
  • Engaging Company Profile
  • Deliver High Quality Content
  • Beautiful Visual Design
  • Logical User Experience
  • Mobile Friendly Design
  • Robust Content Management System
  • Plan Your Marketing Strategy
  • Hiring A Web Design Company
  • Shop Office Furniture
website project indepth knowledge

1. Purpose and Intent

It's important that your tagline and the initial paragraph of your website copy are clear and present your brand with credibility stating its purpose and intent. There's a lot to communicate in very little time so your marketing message must be concise and compelling.

2. Call To Action (CTA's)

Call To Actions convert eyeballs to user activity. Common (CTA's) include, "Read More" text links, phone numbers and "Buy Now" buttons. Often the best website designs have value-led CTA's, subtly encouraging visitors to a next step. Call to actions are designed to engage your visitors and guide them down the path to a conversion. Visitors to your website need specific information before committing to a purchase or enquiry. Smart call to actions preempt the visitors next step and gently lead them through your website in the way you want them to experience it, while delivering the information they are seeking.

On the most basic level any good website designer would recommend that you make sure your phone number is in the top right of every page of your site. Have your web designer put your contact info on the footer of every page along with quick links to your most valuable content. This is even more important for mobile websites where prospects are often just looking for a quick phone number, hours or address. THE BOTTOM LINE - Use standard website design practices.

3. Track Your Conversions

Conversion tracking is commonly neglected, yet it's one of the easiest strategies to implement. Even with a simple website design, it is vital to know how many enquiries and sales that you receive through your website, where those website visitors come from and what the cost is to acquire them. This allows you to accurately measure your marketing budget, evaluate the success of any improvements or modifications in your website design or online marketing, and ultimately measure the underlying success of your website. Any good website designer will be able to assist you with tracking your conversions through Google Analytics and other SEO tools.

4. Engaging Company Profile

The two biggest mistakes made with 'About Us' pages is that they are often boring, and they're not about the customer. It may seem counter-intuitive to write an About Us page that is more about your customer than your company, but there's a good reason for it.

Your company exists for your customer. So by logical extension, your Company Profile's "About Us / Mission Statement" is also about how you can help your customer. Your Company Profile, like the rest of your website, should present all information in the context of how it benefits your visitors. Experienced web designers will be able to help you plan the best way to present your About Us section within a Company Profile, specific to your business.

5. Deliver Unique, Quality Content

Unique, quality content is vital to your marketing efforts and without it you can't tell your story, attract your target market or explain the problems you solve and how you solve them. Everything from your website copy to your email newsletter should be useful, informative and engaging. Make it easy to read, delivered in portions and frequencies that match the interest of your customers.

Your content is a vital tool to lead visitors towards the purchase and it should work together with your website design and brand to provide a seamless and compelling experience. Unique, well thought-out content demonstrates authority and integrity and visitors are more likely to purchase from businesses that invest the time and effort into sharing their message in an intelligent and appealing way. Sometimes, it is wise to hire a local copywriter for your niche business.

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6. Beautiful Visual Design

Visitors will be more inclined to remain on your website if it's aesthetically appealing, and visually interesting (technically sound, on mobile devices). They will also be more likely to return and to share your website with others. A visually-compelling and creative website design immediately establishes the quality of your company and your product or service.

The best website designs are centered around the fact that visual design has a significant impact on a visitor's emotional response to your business. If your website design has a below average visual appearance visitors will consciously and subconsciously perceive your company to be below average. The same principle applies to the use of website templates. If you want to set yourself apart from the competition, you should really invest in a custom website design that reflects your individual brand and also visually communicates your point of difference. When it comes to your visual design hiring professional website designers can be very beneficial.

7. Logical User Experience

If your website is built around a visitor's objectives and point of view, it will encourage their interaction and improve your conversions. Place yourself in your customer's shoes - What questions are they hoping to answer on your website? Try and see your website's design from their perspective to create an experience that anticipates their needs and delivers the right solutions.

You need to make it easy for visitors to access the content they need, whether it's contact information, product specifications or prices through your webiste navigation and architecture. At its highest level, user experience is about providing what your prospects need before they even know they need it.

Along with creating beautiful website designs, your web designer will be experienced in the ways to improve your website's user experience. Modern website design has evolved from just being focused on aesthetics to also consider the front end functionality a website can provide, even the most basic websites should factor in usability to their layout and overall design.

8. Mobile-First "Responsive" Design

Over 50% of people on the internet at any given moment are using a smartphone or laptop/tablet at. What's more, research shows that "small screen" users are converting at higher rates than desktop users. This proves that your website needs to be not just viewable, but optimised for mobile devices.

Responsive web design ensures that no matter what device someone uses, your website delivers content in the most effective way. For complex website designs, custom mobile design may be necessary, however in no instance should mobile visitors be left with the standard desktop version. Desktop websites are awkward on mobile devices making it difficult to navigate menus, read text, click links and find what users are searching for. Your website designer will be able to advise you as to whether responsive or a mobile site would be best for your particular situation. Ask your Leesburg FL Web Design Webmaster about its HYBRID WEBSITE DESIGN using mobile-first design methodology.

9. Robust Content Management System (CMS)

The platform upon which your website's design is built will have a huge impact on it's usability as well as how efficiently you are able to update content and interact with visitors. We can't overstate how important this structure is to the performance of your website. This is particularly important for ecommerce websites. Without some of the following critical features you'll waste time when posting content, optimising for search engines or fixing errors.

When choosing a content management system (CMS) look for the following:

  • Simple content editing accessible from all devices
  • Quick load times
  • SEO-ready
  • Used by a large community of users, website designers  developers (i.e. such as a WordPress website)
  • The software is actively supported by the developers and is being frequently updated.

    We are currently seeking clients to use WEBFLOW CMS as its website Content Management System.

10. Plan Your 'All-of-the-Above' Marketing Strategy

An online presence alone isn't enough to generate enquiries and sales. You need an online and ground strategy to work out how best to broadcast your content, attract search traffic and convert visitors into customers. There are a lot of options available to you including pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, search engine optimisation (SEO), email marketing, social media, local business directories, print materials and word of mouth. Depending on your business and industry some strategies will work better than others.

The key is to find your sweet spot by experimenting with all the available channels. Ultimately it's a process of trial and error while you discover what is most effective for your target audience.

11. Hiring A Web Design Company

A great website design company will be your partner in implementing everything we've discussed. You don't have to know how to write, design or market your website. You'll save time in the short-term and money in the long-term by investing in a quality website designer.

Before hiring a web designer, ask how well they know these essential elements, how they propose to incorporate them and how they've succeeded in the past. When talking to website designers, go past just looking at their quote and use a critical eye when checking out their website designs. Look for experienced and creative website designers that are well established and that have comprehensive references and good portfolios of working with similar businesses to your own. By partnering with the right website design company you are putting yourself in the very best position to ensure that your website is a successful one. START NOW!

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